
 watch for: The 9 Lives of Chloe King- book and show review, Teen Wolf summery and review (next Tuesday!!!), and rise of the planet of the apes review.


August 10, 2011
"Shifty" By Chuck Yeager


Shifty volunteered for the airborne in 
WWII and served with Easy  

Company of the 
506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, part of the 101st  

Airborne Infantry.  If you've seen 
Band of Brothers on HBO or the  

History Channel, you know Shifty.  His character appears in all 10 

episodes, and Shifty himself is interviewed in several of them.  

I met Shifty in the  Philadelphia airport several years ago. I didn't 

know who he was at the time.  I just saw an elderly gentleman having 

trouble reading his ticket. I offered to help, assured him that he was 

at the right gate, and noticed the "
Screaming Eagle," the symbol of  

the 101st Airborne, on his hat.  

Making conversation, I asked him if he'd been in the 101st Airborne 

or if his son was serving.  He said quietly that he had been in the 

101st.  I thanked him for his service, then asked him when he served, 

and how many jumps he made.  

Quietly and humbly, he said "Well, I guess I signed up in 1941 or so, 

and was in until sometime in 1945 ..." at which point my heart 


At that point, again, very humbly, he said "I made the 5 training 

jumps at Toccoa, and then jumped into  
Normandy . . .  do you know  

where  Normandy is?"  At this point my heart stopped.

I told him "yes, I know exactly where  Normandy is, and I know what 

D-Day was."  At that point he said "I also made a second jump into 

Holland , into  Arnhem ."  I was standing with a 
genuine war hero ...   

and then I realized that it was June,  just after the anniversary of 


I asked Shifty if he was on his way back from  
France , and he said  

"Yes...  And it 's real sad because, these days, so few of the guys are 

left, and those that are, lots of them can't make the trip."  My heart 

was in my throat and I didn't know what to say.


I helped Shifty get onto the plane and then realized he was back in 

coach while I was in First Class.  I sent the flight attendant back to 

get him and said that I wanted to switch seats.  When Shifty came 

forward, I got up out of the seat and told him I wanted him to have 

it, that I'd take his in coach.

He said "No, son, you enjoy that seat.  Just knowing that there are 

still some who remember what we did and who still care is enough to 

make an old man very happy."  His eyes were filling up as he said it. 

And mine are brimming up now as I write this.

Shifty died on Jan. l7 after fighting cancer.

There was no parade.

No big event in  
Staples   Center . 

No wall-to-wall, back-to-back 24x7 news coverage.

No weeping fans on television.

And that's not right!

Let's give Shifty his own memorial service, online, in our own quiet way.

Please forward this email to everyone you know.  Especially to the veterans.  

Rest in peace, Shifty.   

Chuck Yeager, Maj. General [ret.]

P.S.  I think that it is amazing how the
media" chooses our "heroes" these days...

Michael Jackson & the like!

"SHIFTY" - an incredible American hero
SHIFTY DIED JAN 17, 2011..........May God rest his soul.
Please do me a favor and pass this on so that untold thousands can
read it. We owe no less to our REAL heroes.

 this is an amazing email i received. it brought tears to my eyes and really made me think about life, death, and true heros. i was asked to pass on shifty's memory and honor it and this is how i hope i will. every one who visits this site should know shifty's story and pass it one. like the message says, we owe it to him and all the other amazing solderers of America. i did not wright this massage nor wish to take credit for it. i'm simply passing on a story that should be told. i ask that you email this to everyone everywhere and anyone anywhere. 
 amen, shifty.


caption America

August 10, 2011

  was it a comedy or an action film? beets me! i didn't really like the movie. i'd had high hopes for it and lets just say c.a. did not live up to them! it was cheesy and cliché. not that good or exiting, either. my fav part was  when this kid~ who looked suspiciously like mini ron wesly~ fell of a bridge and cap was about to jump in after him but the kid says, "no im ok! i can swim, see?!" i half expected bucky to pop up out of the snow after falling off a train and go, "its ok! im alive! i...
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blog update

August 6, 2011
you might have noticed the changes on my blog. first: i changed the style. i also added a bunch of new widgets on this page. my kitty, in the corner, has not been given a name yet so i'm opened to suggestions. and the 'digg' button is basically a 'like' button. tell me what you think of the new changes and what you want different. feel free to 'digg' me! hahaha! also recommend books and movies for me to review! love ya'll!
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cowboys and aliens

August 5, 2011
yee-haw! (did i spell that right?) cowboys and aliens was a movie i had low expectations for. it seemed that a western would clash with the modern taste of sy-fy flicks. boy, was i wrong! the two types blend together in a scary, sexy, exhilarating, and bloody story. the alines were, in my opinion, scary as hell- but not to the point were you cant bare to look at the screen at all. i snuck a glance every now and then until i was no longer shocked and horrified by there appearance. my dad screa...
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July 30, 2011

 this book sires is the definition of sappy. there is hardly any action or thrills. the font color is disorienting, i prefer black instead of red, thank you very much! its a sweet love story, but the ending was predictable like all love stories, i mean, come on people! we all knew that grace and sam would end up together! this may just be because i hate lovey-dovey stuff. if you like that then this book is for you, but if your like me you'll be better off searching an author like james patter...
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 question of the week: what dose purple taste like?

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